Domi threatened her with financial ruin if she hired a lawyer instead of taking a $2.5 million home-and-cash offer, Leanne Domi says in the document filed last week in which she cites adultery and cruelty as grounds for the divorce.
Domi's tough guy tactics worked wonders for him on the ice, but won't score any points in Ontario's courts, she says.
The document contains allegations that have not been proven in court. Tie Domi has not filed a response.
Leanne, 40, says she believed Tie would be faithful after an affair with actress Tia Carrere in 1999, the statement says.

Tie told her he was at a charity golf tournament in the Maritimes when he was in New York, Leanne states.
"It was humiliating to me ... I had been made into a fool -- Belinda and Tie were clearly laughing at how stupid I was for being the drudge who looked after the house and the family while they frolicked in New York."
Leanne also accuses Tie of trying to use his children as props for his retirement announcement while he has "avoided most of their activities," except for son Max's hockey games.
Tie's excuse was that he was "working" with Stronach and other business contacts to support his family, she says.
Most recently, Domi skipped the final day of Max's hockey tournament -- which his team won -- to attend a film festival lunch with Stronach and Brad Pitt, the document says.
The wife of 13 years says she gave up her career in merchandising to raise their three children and support Domi in his hockey career, encouraging his business and community work.
Leanne says Stronach "insinuated herself" into the Domis' life in the summer of 2005 when she attended the Formula One races in Montreal and dropped into a cocktail party. The Magna heiress coolly said, "hello" and then ignored Leanne and other wives -- who offered her champagne -- and "doted on the men (she sat directly beside Tie) as though they might disappear at any minute, the document says.
"Tie assured me that Belinda was nothing more than an important 'business contact' and said I should be nice to her since she held the key to an important and lucrative deal ... involving the supply of steel to Magna ... and he stood to make monumental commissions from this deal."
Domi's "intimate sexual relationship may have commenced when he began working on her political campaign in January, 2006," Leanne says. She notes that Domi "informed the news media he had been dating Stronach."
Their marriage collapsed this summer and she lashes out at Domi for "threatening me with financial extinction because I did not buy into his agenda. It is reprehensible and wrong," she says.
"He is a bully and will do whatever he has to do and say whatever he needs to get what he wants for himself."
Domi spent numerous nights away from the matrimonial home when he told Leanne -- who was on vacation in Muskoka -- that he was in their residence, the document says.
"When confronted by me about his lies about his whereabouts," Domi later deactivated his home's security cameras and "admitted doing so because he 'didn't want to be watched' on cameras he insisted on installing at their home, Leanne says. Domi hired house-sitters for their Toronto home while she was at their Muskoka condo -- which Domi bought her as a 40th birthday present and a vacation home for their family.
Instead of joining his family for these Muskoka vacations, Domi "repeatedly rebuffed our attempts to get him to come up to the condo," Leanne says.
Domi "admitted to adultery (albeit tangentially) on one occasion when he came home shortly after July 22, 2006," the document says. "I was crying and I asked him why he had done what he had done.
"I am so sorry, Leanne ... just leave Belinda out of this," she quotes him as saying.
Leanne says she believes Domi is "living in a condo on the Magna golf course."
She is seeking $15,246 monthly child support for their three children, Carlin, 12, Max, 11, and Avery, 7, and $30,000 a month for herself.
She alleges Domi's company and bank statement show "staggering, enormous debt, almost all of which is in my name."

After a year-end team party, Domi didn't show up for two days, not calling once, she states.
"He was volatile, angry and violent when confronted about his habits. He left on a Friday afternoon and telephoned me saying he would never come back."
Leanne says she later discovered the other woman was Tia Carrere, who filmed her TV series Relic Hunter here. After an 18-month separation, Domi returned to the marriage, vowing to "never lie to me or the children again," she says.
"I believed him ... when he told the world at his 1,000th game in March 2006 that he could never have accomplished everything he had without me at his side, even though Belinda was hovering around him in the after-party," Leanne says.
Four months later, the Domis' marriage was over after she confronted Domi about Stronach and threw him out of their home, Leanne says.
"It is not an easy time for our family right now. We are coping as best as we can," Leanne said yesterday.
Greg MacEachern, executive assistant to Stronach, said she has "no comment at this time."
Domi's agent said the hockey star would have nothing to say while the matter was before the courts, Canadian Press reports.
Who cares? It seems Ms. Domi is a woman scorned using the media to whine about a personal family situation. I wonder if the alleged affair was with a local Tim Horton's clerk or other such "common" person if Ms. Domi would be so anxious to provide the details? Stop whining, put your efforts into moving on with your life and being a good parent.
you seem to be an honest, loving person... the opposite of the selfish boor you married. Do your best to get on with your young life. One day you will sense relief that he has set you free to love again... and I pray - someone worthy of your love, who values and respects you.
My message to Tie is that I hope you can make a choice to change the path you are on... it only leads to destruction. Remorse is a start to making amends - on the road to healing wounds inflicted on the people you've harmed.Alice
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